About.The Journal Editor's Corner was created as a one-stop shopping place for academics and practitioners interested in the application of science to the world of work. On this page, learn more about our vision, the Journal of Applied Psychology, and our team.
Established in 2021The Journal Editor's Corner was established by the Editor of Journal of Applied Psychology, Dr. Lillian T. Eby along with her team of Associate Editors.
Our VisionOur Vision at The Journal Editor's Corner is to:
Our Journal
JAP Dream Team
SIOP Conference 2022
Our Team
Lillian T. Eby, PhD
Jennifer Wood
Associate Editors
Tammy D. Allen, PhD
Bryan D. Edwards, PhD
Allison S. Gabriel, PhD
Alicia Grandey, PhD
Bryan has served on editorial boards of Journal of Management, Personnel Psychology, and Journal of Business and Psychology in addition to his role as Associate Editor at Journal of Applied Psychology. His primary research interests include training and development, performance management, and organizational change and development.
Allison has earned early career research awards from Academy of Management, the Society for Industrial-Organizational Psychology, and Western Academy of Management. Her research focuses on emotions, employee recovery, interpersonal stressors, and employee well-being, with an emphasis on event-level processes and person-centered approaches.
Alicia is Fellow of APS and SIOP and an Associate Editor for both Journal of Occupational Health Psychology and the new Affective Science Journal. She has served JAP as a reviewer since 1999. Her research focuses on emotional labor, work mistreatment, and the diverse workplace (including gender, racial, age, and political differences), and the implications for both job performance and employee health.
Astrid C. Homan, PhD
Jenny M. Hoobler, PhD
Jia (Jasmine) Hu, PhD
Associate Editor, Journal of Applied Psychology Professor of Management and Denman Scholar, Ohio State University Jasmine’s primary research interests include leadership, work teams, and remote work. Jasmine has served as a Deputy Editor of Management and Organization Review and served on the editorial boards of Academy of Management Journal, Personnel Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, and Journal of Management, among others.
Scott B. Morris, PhD
In-Sue Oh, PhD
Christopher O. L. H. Porter, PhD
Scott is a Fellow of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology and the American Psychological Association. In his research, Morris applies advanced statistical methods to ensure the validity and fairness of personnel selection systems. He also conducts research exploring bias and discrimination in subjective employment practices.
In-Sue’s research focuses on personality validity, meta-analysis, and strategic human capital and human resource management. He has been the recipient of many scholarly awards including the SIOP Distinguished Early Career Contributions Science Award, and he is a Fellow of the SIOP and APS.
Christopher is an Associate Editor for the Journal of Management and Africa Journal of Management in addition to Journal of Applied Psychology. His areas of expertise include leadership, organizational behavior, organizational entry, team composition and dynamics, and training and development.
Kristen M. Shockley, PhD
Scott Tonidandel, PhD
Kristen currently serves as Associate Editor at the Journal of Business and Psychology in addition to Journal of Applied Psychology. Her main area of research focuses on understanding the intersection of employees’ work and family lives.
Scott serves as an AE for the Journal of Business and Psychology, is a former AE for Organizational Research Methods, and is a fellow of APS, APS, and SIOP. He is also the director of the Organizational Science PhD program at Charlotte. Scott’s research interests include leadership, diversity, and research methods and statistics.
Gerben van Kleef, PhD
Gillian B. Yeo, PhD
Editorial Fellows
Research Assistants
Katherine Facteau, M.S.
Nicholas J. Haynes, M.S., Ph.D